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P.P. Shukla & J. Lawrence, (2011), Advances in Laser Surface Treatment of Engineering Ceramics: Viability and Characterization Techniques. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing.



1. Shukla P.P. & Lawrence, J. (2014), “Modification of technical ceramics through laser surface engineering”, in J. Lawrence, C.F. Dowding, D.G. Waugh and J.D. Griffiths (Eds.), Laser Surface Engineering: Research and Applications.London: Elsevier.


2. Shukla, P., Waugh, D.G., Lawrence, J. (2016), "Laser Surface Structuring of Ceramics, Metals and Polymers for Biomedical Applications: A Review", Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Laser Surface Treatment of Biomedical Materials: Techniques and Applications, Edited by: Rui Vilar, ISBN: 978-0-08-100883-6.

Book Chapters
Journal Publications


  1. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J., Wu, H. (2010) ‘On the fracture toughness of a zirconia engineering ceramic and the effects thereon of surface processing with fibre laser radiation’. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture 224 (B10), 1555-1570.

  2. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2010) ‘Surface characterization and compositional evaluation of a fibre laser processed silicon nitride (Si3N4) engineering ceramic’. Lasers in Engineering 20 (5-6), 359 – 370.

  3. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2010) ‘Fracture toughness modification by using a fibre laser surface treatment of a silicon nitride engineering ceramic’. Journal of Materials Science 45 (23), 6540-6555.

  4. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2010) ‘On the Establishment of an Appropriate Method for Evaluating the Residual Stresses after Laser Surface Treatment of ZrO2 and Si3N4 Engineering Ceramics’. Far East Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Physics 2 (1-2), 103- 138.

  5. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2011) ‘Evaluation of fracture toughness of ZrO2 and Si3N4 engineering ceramics following CO2 and fibre laser surface treatment’. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 49 (2), 229 - 239.

  6. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2011) ‘Mathematical modelling of the fibre laser Surface processing of a Zirconia engineering ceramic by means of three-dimensional finite element analysis’. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 225(4), 949 – 964.

  7. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2011) ‘Examination of temperature distribution on silicon nitride engineering ceramics during fibre laser surface treatment’. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 49 (7), 998 – 1011.

  8. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2011) ‘Characterization and compositional study of a zirconia engineering ceramic irradiated with a fibre laser beam’. Optics & Laser Technology 43, 1292-1300.

  9. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2011) ‘Distribution of temperature during fibre laser radiation and the effects on the phase transformation of ZrO2 engineering ceramic’. Surface Engineering 27, No 10,742 – 748 (7).

  10. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2011) ‘Modification of fracture toughness parameter K1c following CO2 laser surface treatment of a Si3N4 engineering ceramic’. Surface Engineering 27, No. 10, 734 – 741.

  11. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J., Paul A. (2011) ‘Influence of laser beam brightness during laser surface treatment of ZrO2 engineering ceramics’. Lasers in Engineering 22 (3-4), 151 - 173.

  12. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2012) ‘A Comparative Study on the Processing Parameters during Fibre and CO2 laser Surface Treatments of Silicon Nitride Engineering Ceramic’. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 59 (1-4), 143 – 155.

  13. Shukla P.P., Lawrence, J. (2012) ‘The influence of Brightness whilst Laser Surface Processing of a Silicon Nitride Engineering Ceramic’, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 50, 1746-1751.

  14. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2013) ‘Role of laser beam radiance in different ceramic processing: A two wavelength comparison’. Optics and Laser Technology, 54, 380 – 388.

  15. Shukla P. and Lawrence J., (2013), ‘Evaluation of Surface Cracks following Processing of a ZrO2 Advance Ceramic with CO2 and Fibre laser Radiation’. Advances in Ceramic Science and Engineering (ACSE), 2 (4), 141-150.

  16. Shukla, P.P., Lawrence, J. (2014) ‘Investigation of temperature distribution during CO2 and Fibre laser processing of Si3N4 engineering ceramic by means of a computational and experimental approach’, Lasers in Engineering, 27 (3-4), 135 – 160.

  17. Shukla, P.P, Swanson, T.P., Page J.C., (2014) ‘Laser Shock Peening and Mechanical Shot Peening Processes Applicable for the Surface Treatment of Technical Grade Ceramics: A Review’. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 228 (5), 639 - 652.

  18. Shukla, P.P., (2014) ‘Investigation into the High Speed Laser Welding feasibility of Tin-Plated Steels available for three-piece Food Packaging Can Manufacture’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture,. 228 (7), 715-729.

  19. Shukla, P.P., and Lawrence, J., ‘Identification of Optical Parameters for Determination of Radiance’, Journal of Optics, Optical Society of India, 44 (1), 12 - 19.

  20. Shukla, P.P., and Lawrence, J., (2015), ‘Micro-shot Peening of ZrO2 Advanced Ceramics: An Examination of Surface Integrity’, Journal of Material Science, 50(4), 1728-1739.

  21. Shukla, P., Lawrence J., Zhang, Yu. (2015), ‘Understanding Laser-beam brightness: A Review on a New Prospective in Materials Processing’, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 75, 40 – 51.

  22. Shukla P., Smith G.C., Waugh, D.G., Lawrence. J. (2015), ‘Development in Laser Peening of Advanced Ceramics’, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9657, 77-85.

  23. Waugh, D.W., Lawrence, J., Shukla, P., Chan, C., Hussain, I., Mann, H.C., and Smith G. C. (2015), ‘Laser surface treatment of polyamide and NiTi alloy and the effects on mesenchymal stem cell response’, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9657, 86-92.

  24. Shukla P., Lawrence J., Waugh, D.G. (2016), ‘Laser Sealing of Dissimilar Polymers for Manufacturing Packaging Products’, Special Edition for Journal of Laser Applications, 28 (2), 022428 – 1 to 022428 - 6.

  25. Waugh D.G., Lawrence J., Shukla P. (2016), ‘Modulating the wettability characteristics and bioactivity of polymeric materials using laser surface treatment’, Special Edition for Journal of Laser Applications, 28(2) 1-5.

  26. Shukla, P., Nath, S., Wang, W., Shen, X., Lawrence, J. (2017), Surface property modifications of silicon carbide ceramic following Laser Shock Peening, Journal of European Ceramic Society, 37(9), 1728 - 1739. 

  27. Shen, X., Shukla, P., Nath, S., Lawrence, J. (2017), Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloy (Ti6al7nb) Subject to Multiple Laser Shock Peening, Surface and Coatings Technology, 327, 101–109.

  28. Nath, S., Shukla P., Shen, X., and Lawrence, J. (2018) ‘Effect of Laser Shock Peening on the Phase Evolution, Residual Stress and Hardness of Hastelloy X Superalloys’. Lasers in Engineering, In Press.

  29. Shukla, P., Robertson, S., Wu, H., Telang, A., Kattoura, M., Nath, S., Mannava, S.R., Vasudevan, V.K., and J. Lawrence, (2017), Surface Engineering Alumina Armour Ceramics with Laser Shock Peening’, Materials and Design, 134, 523 - 538.

  30. Prabhakaran, S., Kulkarni, A., Vasanth, G., Kalainathan, S., Shukla, P., Vasudevan, V. K. (2017), Laser shock peening without coating induced residual stress distribution, wettability characteristics and enhanced pitting corrosion resistance of austenitic stainless steel, Applied Surface Science, Applied Surface Science, 428, 17-30. 

  31. Nath, S., Shukla, P., Shen, X., and Lawrence, J. (2018) ‘Effect of Laser Shock Peening on the Phase Evolution, Residual Stress and Hardness of Hastelloy X Superalloys’. Lasers in Engineering, vol? Issue? 97 – 112.

  32. Prashantha Kumar H. G., Prabhakaran, S., Anthony Xavior M., Kalainathan, S., Lin, D., Shukla, P., and Vasudevan, V.K. (2018), Enhanced surface and mechanical properties of bioinspired nanolaminate graphene-aluminium alloy nanocomposites through laser shock processing for biomedical implant and engineering applications, Materials Today Communications. In Press.

  33. Subramaniyan, P.; Kalainathan, S.; Shukla, P., Vasudevan, V.K. (2018), Residual Stress, Phase, Microstructure and Mechanical Property Enhancement of Ultrafine Bainitic Steel through Laser Shock Processing. Preprints, 2018040362, (doi: 10.20944/preprints201804.0362.v1), Access available from:

  34. Shen X., Shukla, P., Yao, F., Nath S., An, Z., and Lawrence J. (2018), Laser Shock Peening of Orthopaedic Ti-6Al-7Nb: Evaluation of Topography, Wetting Characteristics, Microstructure and Residual Stress, International Journal of Peening Science and Technology, 1(2), 137-154.

  35. Ogbekene, Y.F, Shukla, P., Zhang, Y., Shen, X., Prabhakaran, S., Kalainathan, S., Gulia, K., and Lawrence, J. (2018), Enhancement in Surface Integrity with Laser Cleaning and Rust Removal of Grey cast iron Automotive Brake Disc, International Journal of Peening Science and technology, 1(2) 155 – 180.

  36. Prabhakaran, S. Prashanth Kumar, H.G., Kalainathan, S. Shukla, P., Vasudevan, V. K., Lin, D. (2018) Laser shock peening modified surface texturing, microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene dispersion strengthened aluminium nanocomposites, 14, 127-137. Doi: 10.1016/j.surfin.2018.12.003.

  37. Shukla, P., Crooks, R., Wu. H., (2019), Shock-wave induced Compressive Stress in Alumina ceramics by Laser Peening, Material and Design, 167, 107626, 1-8, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2019.107626.

  38. S. Varin, M. Agarwal, A. Chugh, N. Arivazhagan, M. Mano, S. Prabhakaran, S. Kalainathan, Shukla, P., and J. Lawrence, (2019), Effect of laser shock peening on commercial pure Titanium-1 weldment fabricated by gas tungsten arc welding technique, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals – IIM 2019, pp 1-5.

  39. Nath, S., Shukla, P., Behera, A., Shen, X., Lawrence, J. (2019), Evolution of dislocation density and strain hardening behaviour in Hastelloy-X Superalloys following laser shock peening, International Journal of Peening Science and Technology, 1(3), 233-257.

  40. Shen, X., Shukla, P., Mee, C., Swanson, P., An, Z., Nie X., Waugh, D., Prabhakaran, S., Nakhodchi, S., and Lawrence, J. (2019), Alteration of Wetting Properties of Orthopaedic Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-7Nb) using Laser Shock Peening, 801, 327-342.

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