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Attendance at the AILU Half-day Laser Safety Training


The half day laser safety workshop was a very educational to attended. The mini-workshop was held at TRUMPF, Airport Executive Park, Luton.

The event comprised of discussions of the latest challenges to the safe use of laser machinery such as eye-safety and how to deal with secondary hazards such as fumes and fire risks when cutting combustible materials.

This workshop was very useful for enhancing knowledge on general safety around laser technology, laser safety eyewear being so critical or not, the capability of plastic window being able to take high power laser beams; the new challenges regarding high power 3D lasers; extracting fumes; followed by a tour around the TRUMPF exhibition area with further opportunity to network.

The learning from some of the sessions was useful in developing laser laboratories and job-shop facilities for laser materials processing in terms of what safety measures to implement and the type of products available to place these measures.

Trumpf Applications Laboratory Shopfloor where the event was held.

Trumpf Applications Laboratory.

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